What are The Causes of Renal Failure?

The job of the human renal system is to filter out the waste and toxins from our body. This system is inclusive of a pair of kidneys, a pair of ureters, a urinary bladder, and a urethra. But few medical conditions become the reason for the disruptions in the functioning. With this blog, we will be discussing the causes of renal failure.

A medical condition that brings drastic changes in human anatomy is the condition of renal failure or kidney failure. That is why we should choose a type of treatment that can help in prevention, a treatment like Kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment.

Before we start discussing the causes of renal failure, let us take a short tour of the key roles of diverse organs of the renal system:

The key role of kidneys is to filter the waste and toxins from the blood and body. But these little bean-shaped organs play other roles with the support of other organs as well:

• Maintaining the pH balance of the blood.
• Maintaining fluid balance with the help of the pancreas. Pancreas converts fluids of the breakdown product obtained from the enzymes and nutrients in foods we eat.
• Kidneys help spleen in the formation and recycling the Red Blood Cells.
• It helps in regulating blood flow and pressure.
• Transports purified blood to the heart.

But when these pairs of organs get afflicted by any disease and ailment, this system fails to work effectively and afflict other organs as well. If you want to prevent the condition then choose Kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda.

The ureters are like the connecting wires of the renal system between kidneys and urinary bladder. They take urine formed in kidneys to the urinary bladder. But when the urine is not passed or released from the body, the urine takes the same pathway to get accumulated in kidneys.

Urinary bladder:
This is the organ that accepts the urine formed in kidneys by ureters. When the bladder gets full it releases the accumulated urine through the urethra. But when we hold urine or the urine doesn’t pass out because of any cause, the urine starts to make space upwards and reaches kidneys that become one of the causes of kidney failure.

The role of the urethra is to excrete the urine formed by kidneys, transferred by ureters and urinary bladder.

Now let us get to the point “What are the causes of renal failure?”

• Diabetes.
• High blood pressure.
• Inherited kidney diseases.
• Frequent infections in the renal system.
• Damaged Glomerulus.
• Chronic Kidney Diseases.
• Autoimmune Diseases.
• The infection spread from other adjacent organs on the kidneys.

Type 1diabetes is considered one of the major causes of renal failure. Kidneys produce a hormone naming insulin that regulates sugar levels and boosts the immunity system. But during diabetes, the level of insulin decreases and boosts sugar levels. The elevated sugar levels then damage the blood vessels of kidneys that filter blood and keep the body toxin-free.

High blood pressure: Having high blood pressure disrupts the functioning of kidneys and damages the tiny clusters of Glomerulus of kidneys. The more the pressure put on kidneys will bring multiple complications along.

Inherited kidney diseases: Inherited diseases and congenital diseases affect the functioning of the renal system right from birth. These are diseases that are transferred by the biological parents in the form of a rare faulty gene. Some of the diseases are congenital Nephrotic syndrome, Polycystic Kidney Diseases, and Fabry diseases.

Frequent infections in the renal system: When the foreign bacteria and virus enter the human body through the urethra or transmitted from sexual interaction; the renal system gets affected and chances of getting an infection increase.

Damaged Glomerulus: It is also known as the condition of Glomerulonephritis. As the name suggests that the damage Glomerulus cannot perform their functioning of filtering the wastes and toxins from the body henceforth, the chances of renal failure increases. But these conditions can be reversed with the help of kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda.

Chronic Kidney Diseases: These are the diseases that are characterized as long term diseases. CKD marks its presence in the past and reacts gradually as it increases day by day.

Autoimmune Diseases: Autoimmune diseases can be explained as the healthy cells attacking the immune system abnormally. Autoimmune diseases are IgA nephropathy, lupus, celiac disease, etc.

The infection spread from other infected organs: Liver cysts or an infected organ can affect the functioning of the renal system. Ovary cyst also affects the functioning of renal system but if we talk about the infection that can be spread from kidneys then let us consider the example of polycystic kidney disease; this is a disease where fluid-filled sacs develop on the membrane of kidneys and grow in size gradually but as soon as they burst the liquid leaking from the cysts will affect the organs of the human anatomy. The chances of having liver cysts, cysts on the pancreas, spleen and large bowel will increase.

Another factor that plays a cause of renal failure is people on or above the age of 65. They are prone to get caught by kidney diseases because the kidneys lose efficiency gradually as the lifetime passes.

What can be the treatment for kidney failure in Ayurveda?
Kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda provides a set of changes in diet & lifestyle by which anyone can lead a normal life and escape the medical condition of renal failure. Following are the methods that you can adopt to reverse the condition of kidney failure:

• Two cups of white radish juice are recommended for the proper functioning of kidneys. It is a great source of vitamin C.
• For those who are on dialysis, a cup of sliced watermelon or two glasses to watermelon juice would be beneficial. Dialysis, at times, decreases the water levels of the body.
• Beetroot juice has been proven formula to benefit the kidneys. It is recommended that you can take two-three cups of beetroot juice in a day. Cook it till softens and strain it.
• When you have an empty stomach, you can take figs. Prepare a potion: a cup of water and 2 figs. Take it in the morning or when an empty stomach.
• Eat fruits like cucumber, mango, banana, cranberry, blueberry, strawberry, etc.
• Eat fruits & vegetables that are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B complex, vitamin K.
• Inculcate yoga & exercises in your daily routine.
• Avoid spicy & oily food.
• Avoid pickles.
• Avoid frozen, canned, packed and processed foods.
• Drink Coconut water; it is beneficial for revitalizing the kidneys.
• Drink carrot juice or eat carrots as a salad.
• Bottle guard is an underrated vegetable that comes with multiple benefits; it helps in curing diseases other than just kidney diseases. It helps in fighting common causes like diabetes & high blood pressure. Its pulp & juice has been one of the Ayurvedic remedies for ages. It helps in curing related diseases like UTIs.
• Add apples to your diet daily. Apples are rich in anti-oxidant properties that help in the proper functioning of kidneys.

Disclaimer: This content is for your reference only. Our suggestion is to follow the advice of your physician first and then decide for further implementation. If you want our experts for kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment can provide their services here.
