Chronic kidney disease is becoming prevalent due to our unbalanced diet and hectic lifestyle. Yes, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, and cholesterol also plays a vital role in harming our kidneys. But, all these are the side effects of our unhealthy diet.
This blog is about the role of coriander in our diet. Here, you will read the benefits of green coriander and how does it prevent CKD?
Ayurveda is a cure for chronic kidney disease patients, but not all natural things work to remedy them. Coriander leaves contain high amounts of potassium and phosphorus, due to which coriander will create problems in your chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda.
If you are a kidney patient, try not to eat coriander in any form until your doctor or dietician prescribes it.
Now, let's move on to the main thing and learn about how green coriander prevents CKD?
We all are aware of coriander. Some know it for its taste, or some people like it for its aroma. Yes, after hearing the name of coriander, you must be thinking about the green sauce. It is because coriander sauce is a little spicy and sour, which increases the taste of foods.
Have you ever tried this?
The garnishing of green coriander over hot vegetables or lentils increases the taste of the food. Yes, it looks so beautiful. But do you know that green coriander is not only delicious to eat but also beneficial for your kidney?
Green coriander is also known as Coriandrum sativum. Green coriander essence is cold, which makes it best to bet to beat the summer heat. It does not mean that you cannot eat it in winter. You can use green coriander for seven days and 12 months.
This green leafy vegetable has the power to keep your kidneys free from toxins. By detoxing your kidneys, you prevent the risk of chronic kidney disease. On top of this, precautions are essential to rest your body. If you keep your kidneys healthy, you stay deprived of the pain of dialysis or renal replacement therapy.
Let's learn something about kidney malfunction.
Kidney failure occurs when you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or urine related problems. Too much or little intake of everything, whether it's milk or apple, cause problems. Addiction to pain killers or drinking water more than your needs, pressurize your kidneys to work more. In the end, it leads to kidney failure, dialysis, or renal replacement therapy.
If you are a kidney patient, chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda will work better for you instead of dialysis. Kidney and Ayurveda, we know it may sound weird to you. But, Ayurveda is a concoction of herbs, diet, yoga, and meditation. It attacks the vitiated Dosha and the ground cause of kidney disease. After this, Ayurvedic medications work to treat the symptoms and complications of chronic kidney disease. In the end, it rejuvenates your damaged kidney and its nephrons.
We recommend to take chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda and get complete remission. On the same side, you should keep the kidney healthy by including foods in your diet that can give you both taste and health. Green coriander is a better option; it contains many compounds such as flavonoids, polyphenols, and B-carotenoids. All these compounds are imperative to keep glucose levels regular in your body. And to fend off complications caused by high sugar levels in your blood.
The following are the benefits of including coriander leaves in your foods.
1. Many people often have high blood pressure; for that, they are dependent on artificial medicines. But, they can keep their blood pressure under control without medicines.
But, how?
Green coriander is very helpful in normalizing your blood pressure. When toxins increase in your blood, it affects your heart and its veins. And when your heart cannot pump your toxic blood, it then causes high blood pressure problems. Include green coriander in your diet and prevent the risk of high blood pressure and chronic kidney disease.
2. Many people are suffering from problems related to the urinary tract system. These problems are directly affecting your kidneys, or sometimes these are the signs of kidney malfunction. Some people do not feel comfortable talking about problems related to intimate areas. By this, they are producing more problems for their kidneys and other organs.
If there is a problem related to urine, get yourself tested and take Ayurvedic treatment. If there is any problem related to the kidney, go for an Ayurvedic cure for chronic kidney disease.
3. Green coriander detoxes your kidneys, making you produce the right amount of urine. Through urine, toxins excrete from your body and prevent the risk of many healthy anomalies.
On top of this, green coriander is healthy for people with skin problems. It contains some antioxidants that help to conquer skin diseases.
That is enough about green coriander. We hope you found the blog interesting enough to include green coriander in your diet.
And you will take chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda.
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